We tend to showcase the more visual and "splashy" projects on our website, however a large percentage of our business consists of very text- and data-intensive projects such as financial guidebooks & newsletters; research reports; data sheets; curriculum guides; and textbooks. These projects require a mix of left- and right-brain skills; the ability to make dense, technical material easy to navigate; and the ability to develop and project-manage a process that includes a large number of files and many rounds of editing, proofreading, and client approval.
One such project was this just-completed 268-page specialized curriculum guide for the Landmark School Outreach Program titled From Talking to Writing. The book instructs teachers on methods for teaching students with language-based learning disabilities, and includes diagrams, worksheets, and templates for student assignments. The project was in development for over a year, and required dozens of rounds of approval and editing from multiple authors, editors, and client stakeholders.
Other data-heavy projects the studio produces include a monthly financial newsletter and companion annual guidebook for Vanguard investors that we produce for InvestorPlace Media. The newsletter, which we have been producing for more than 25 years, runs 16 pages per month, and contains dozens of detailed financial charts and graphs. The most recent edition of its annual companion, the Independent Guide to the Vanguard Funds, clocked in at 308 pages, and contained more than 500 charts, graphs and tables. We also produce all printed materials for Adviser Investments, an investment management company, run by the newsletter's editors. This includes quarterly reports, fund data sheets, and an array of special reports and other printed and online reference materials.
The Urban Land Institute is another organization for whom we produce large, data-heavy publications. ULI is a Washington-DC based think-tank and research organization focused on sustainable urban development, and has been a client for more than 10 years. Our projects for ULI have included a variety of books and reports on infrastructure, demographics, and land use, including a 400+ page general reference book for real estate developers and a 300+ page reference book on energy-efficient office building rehabs.
On all of these projects we strive to create publications that convey large amounts of information, but are still attractive, readable, and easy to navigate. And we carefully manage these large-scale projects in an efficient and client-focused manner to ensure that they stay on schedule, and are delivered error-free.